My Love Affair

Thursday, January 27, 2011

You know when you find something you really believe it and you want to tell everyone. Well my friend Melissa recommend this book called "The baby Whisperer" and I keep thinking why didn't I have this book three months ago. I've started putting Amelie on a routine and it is so nice. Part of the routine is nightly baths and baby massage it relaxes both of us. I have got her to stay in her own bed!(now to do it during nap time). I almost quit nursing Amelie this week but after reading this book I've decided to keep with it. This books really hit how I want to parent. I'm never going to be on a strict schedule but I can do a routine. I love this book.
I'm about to start a diet this next week. I have a goal of losing my baby weight and more by July. We'll see how this diet effects my nursing. I hope it doesn't if so no more diet. I also have a goal of running a 5k in March, a 10k April, and a half marathon in June. As a reward I want a new swimsuit and outfit.


Samantha Tingey said...

I'm sure you'll make it happen. You have always been great at doing things when you put your mind to it! I can't wait to go shopping in June :)

Christina said...

Do you think it would be worth it for me to read this, or is Jude too old? I'm going to be weaning him in about a month and I know that's going to mess up our routine, since really the routine is just nursing him to sleep. I'm scared.
Are you doing the HCG diet, then? I'm thinking eating that few calories might effect your milk supply, but I guess time will tell. Good for you with the goals! It's nice to have a race to work toward and then a reward for yourself at the end. :)

The Rileys said...

I'm so glad you like the book! I wish I had found it sooner too. Good luck on your goals! We're in the same boat. I am LOVING zumba right now. It makes me love going to work out. A new outfit is always good motivation! :)

Manda said...

Good for you Casey! I've heard really good things about The Baby Whisperer, the Babywise blog I follow is always referring to that book.